Hmm, mam wrazenie, ze gdzies juz cos takiego widzialam. Moze jest to jakis brodawczak? Czy te zmiany są suche i rosna w gore? Mi to przypomina troche brodawczaka. Szkoda, ze zdjecie nie jest wyrazne

Moze sie myle, znawca nie jestem.
W ksiazce "Domestic rabbits: Diseases and Parasites" znalazlam taki opis:
Rabbit papilloma
Rabbit papilloma virus has been identified as the causative agent of wartlike growth on the skin of cottontail rabbits (Figure 10). Domestic rabbits and jackrabbits are susceptible to experimental infection. The virus can be recovered from lesions on cottontail rabbits, but not from papillomas on domestic rabbits.
Naturally occurring papilloma‐ tosis has been found in domestic rabbits in southern California, but the virus produces no evidence of a generalized illness.
The most common sites for papillomas are the ears and eye‐lids, and the growths vary in size and conformity. The growths are well keratinized, and the upper surfaces are irregular and often split. The lower portions of the growth are pinkish and fleshy to the touch. As the warts become older, they increase in size, become more cornified, and are hard to the touch. At this stage, they are easily scratched off by the rabbit or knocked off when handled. Papillomas removed in this way leave a free‐bleeding surface, which heals without complications.
Rabbit papilloma virus probably is spread by free‐flying insects such as mosquitoes; there is no virus multiplication in insect tissue. Transmission of the virus from lesions of cottontail rabbits to domestic rabbits is most likely.
Wybaczcie nei chce mi sie wszytkiego tlumaczyc, napisze pobieznie.
Pisza, ze najczęstsza okolica dla papilloma jest okolica uszu i oczu, rosna w roznym ksztalcie. Narosla sa zrogowaciale, a gorna powierzchnia jest nieregularna i czesto niejednolita. nizsze obszary sa rozowawe i miesiste w dotyku, a z czasem staja sie wieksze i twardsze. W tym etapie sa latwe do usuniecia przez krolika ktory moze je zdrapac, lub podczas wizyty u lekarza. Jesli narosl zostanie usunieta, to zostawia powierzchnie ktore goja sie bez komplikacji.
Mozesz sie postarac i zrobic troche lepsze zdjecia? tak zeby ta narosl byla dokladnie widoczna.
o nawet u KazioRa znalazlam opis